
Novazaco Ltd

12, Pindarou

CY-1060 Nicosia 

Phone: +357 22817557

Email: info[at]


General Management:

Constantinos Kynigopoulos

Irene Savva

Commercial Register:

Reg Nr : HE349752

VAT-ID: CY10349752C

Tax No.: 10349752C

Responsibility for this website:

Novazaco Ltd

Design and programming of this website:

Novazaco Ltd, Office Nikosia

Image credits

Machine control & integration: ©

Factory automation: ©

Process- & Equipment automation: ©

Software solution/Railway technology: © Vahlersvik

IIoT service platform:

Terms of Use and Legal Information for the Novazaco Ltd  websites:

1. This website is subject to the following terms of use, which for the purposes of the relationship between the user and the service provider (Novazaco Ltd) are deemed to be agreed and binding whenever this website is used. Whenever special terms of use other than those described below apply for certain specific uses of the website this will be explicitly stated on the relevant page of the website. In such cases, the special terms of use shall apply in addition to the following terms of use.

2. This website contains data and information of various kinds which are subject to trade mark and/or copyright protection, either on behalf of Novazaco Ltd or in individual cases on behalf of third parties. Therefore, downloading, reproducing or distributing of the website, whether in part or in full, is prohibited. Technically-necessitated copying for browsing purposes is permitted to the extent that this is not done for commercial purposes. Permanent copying is also permitted for private use.

3. A link may be made to this website insofar as this is only for reference purposes. Novazaco Ltd retains the right to withdraw this permission. The framing of this website is prohibited.

4. In accordance with the legal provisions Novazaco Ltd assumes liability for the content of its website. No warranty is given for the accuracy and completeness of information contained in the website. References and links to websites of other parties do not mean that referenced or linked contents reflect own views of Novazaco Ltd. The contents do not establish any responsibility on the part of Novazaco Ltd for data and information contained in these websites. Novazaco Ltd has no influence over linked contents. Novazaco Ltd is therefore not liable for unlawful, erroneous or incomplete contents and for damages caused by the use of linked contents.

5. The use of the Internet is made at the user´s own risk. Novazaco Ltd is not liable for Internet breakdowns or loss of access due to technical reasons.

6. If the user is a merchant, a corporate entity under public law or a trust or special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from these terms of use shall be the registered office of Novazaco Ltd. German law applies under exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (UN Convention/CISG).

7. Novazaco Ltd retains the right to modify these terms of use from time to time and to amend them in line with technical and legal developments. Users will be informed about changes separately. Should individual provisions of these terms of use be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall be unaffected.